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Pre-Orientation Programs

Smith College offers a number of pre-orientation programs to entering students. Descriptions, eligibility criteria, and registration instructions are detailed below.

International Students Pre-Orientation

August 22–27, 2024


ISP is a required program this year for any incoming international students utilizing a college-sponsored visa. Students who have U.S. citizenship or U.S. permanent residency who have grown up abroad and feel it would be a beneficial program to attend are also welcome.

Read more at the International Students and Scholars Office’s ISP page.


Registration is required for ISP. Please visit the International Students and Scholars Office’s ISP page for a link and instructions.


Contact the ISSO at 413-585-7598 or with any questions about ISP.

Bridge Pre-Orientation Program

August 25–28, 2024


Begun in 1970 as a program for African American students entering Smith, Bridge now welcomes first-year students who demonstrate a commitment to creating and maintaining culturally inclusive communities. This pre-orientation program gives new students a chance to find mentors, friends, resources, and a community. 

Read more at the Smith College Office of Multicultural Affairs’ Bridge Program page.


Registration is required for Bridge. New first-year students will receive information about Bridge registration directly via their Smith email address in May 2024.


Contact the Office of Multicultural Affairs at 413-585-4947 or with any questions about Bridge.

First Generation Pre-Orientation

August 27–28, 2024


First generation (“first gen”) students are those who are first in their families to attend a four-year college. This program supports first gen students in their transition to college life by providing opportunities to connect with other new first generation students and families as well as current first gen students, staff, and faculty. 

Learn more on the First Generation Students resources page.


Registration is required for the First Gen Pre-Orientation. Students who have identified themselves as first generation will receive a link to the registration form directly via their Smith email account. Students should submit the registration form no later than July 1, 2024 at 10 a.m. (EST).

The program is limited to 100 first gen students. Once notified of their acceptance, students will have until July 15, 2024 to confirm their attendance. 


Contact the Office of Student Affairs at with any questions about First Gen Pre-Orientation.

Pre-Season Athletics

Program Dates



Students who participate in certain fall sports may be asked to come to campus early for pre-season training.


There is no registration for pre-season athletics. Eligible students will be contacted by their coach with arrival information.


Contact the Associate Athletic Director at or reach out to your sport’s head coach with questions about Pre-Season Athletics.

Notes About Pre-Orientation Programs

Participants in Bridge, First Generation Pre-Orientation, and Pre-Season Athletics must go to Central Check-In even though they arrive early.

Participants in International Students Pre-Orientation are not required to go to Central Check-In but are encouraged to attend to take full advantage of all resources available to them.

Participants in all pre-orientation programs must still participate in the general Orientation program in its entirety.

Entering students who arrive as pre-season athletes may be required to attend pre-season training/activities on Saturday, August 31, 2024 rather than Group Day. Pre-season athletes should receive directions from their coaches regarding Saturday activities. 

Due to the overlap in program dates, new students can only participate in ONE of the following: ISP, Bridge, First Gen Pre-Orientation.

Pre-season athletes should consult with their coaches to determine if they are eligible to participate in other pre-orientation programs. 

Because First Gen Pre-Orientation and Bridge are offered to a limited number of students, these students in particular are reminded that they should attend all of their program’s sessions and participate fully

If you are no longer able to attend or participate, please contact your program’s director well in advance of the program’s start so that arrangements may be made to allow another student to participate. Thank you for your understanding.